Jeff's Reviews

Thoughts on every movie I've ever seen.

Am I Racist? (2024)

Directed by Justin Folk

Starring Matt Walsh, Robin DiAngelo


The message here is clear: racist and anti-racist stances have become such powerful virtue signals that racism has turned into a for-profit industry. It’s a thought-provoking idea and certainly worth considering. However, the topic isn’t explored from as many angles as What Is a Woman?, leaving the story feeling a bit slow and forced at times.

In the end, the scene where the filmmaker shares his final opinions feels somewhat self-congratulatory. A little more humility could have made him more relatable and the message easier for a wider audience to digest.

The film employs Borat levels of infiltration, cringe, and straight face. It makes me wonder how many more films like this Walsh can make before he’s “outed,” much like Sacha Baron Cohen eventually was.

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