Jeff's Reviews

Thoughts on every movie I've ever seen.

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Torn Curtain (1966)

Decent spy thriller. Dark and suspenseful, which you can chalk up to Hitchcock. The setting is interesting. This is barely a generation after WWII, things are still kind of fresh. I like all the German language. You don’t have to know what they’re saying in these scenes, and it really…

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What the Health (2017)

Yet another in a long line of veggie movies. There are good explorations of dietary science and politics, and a lot of it is worth considering, but some of it is alarmist and distorted. To claim absolutely that we are biologically supposed to be vegetarians, going so far as to…

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Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)

Good to get the guys together again, but kind of goofy. Some of the effects and action are pretty awful.

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The Best of Times (1986)

Awful. Decent cast, but who thought this would be a good movie to make?

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Keeping Up with the Joneses (2016)

Wish it was a bit funnier. Light and goofy, with a dumb ending. Gadot continues to be a magic combination of sultry and tough.

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The Girl on the Train (2016)

Moody and creepy and heavy as hell, much in the vein of Gone Girl. A little hard to follow at times with all the jumping around. Blunt is great at playing disturbed. Ferguson’s adorable, and Bennett is pretty foxy.

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Airplane! (1980)

One of the few movies of the early 80’s that really tried to be funny. This one established Abrahams and the Zuckers as the modern day godfathers of goofball comedy.

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Girl, Interrupted (1999)

This is One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest for girls, focusing more on emotional problems than just pure craziness. Nice cast. Ryder is impossibly cute, even when she’s crazy. She’s a pretty good actress, too. It’s a shame her career would go downhill shortly after this movie, due to what…

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)

Probably my favorite of series. A nice continuation of the story, though as with any extended franchise, it’s sometimes hard to keep track of all the characters and place names. The Star Wars formula seems to be fantastic effects, mostly unknown actors turning in slightly campy performances, cheesy dialogue, cameos…

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Atomic Blonde (2017)

All style, no substance. Characters trying to outcool each other with dialogue, Tarantino-esque levels of nonsensical violence, and a 80’s soundtrack that is so in your face that it’s Baby Driver annoying. The punches and kicks and plot twists don’t matter because I don’t give a crap about any of…

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